Shoulder Joint Replacement Crosshir
Department: Orthopedic Patient: male, age: 74Y Dr. Shaul Beyth Services: Segmentation, surgery planning, anatomy model74r During the Iron Swords War, began on October 7th 2023, many soldiers and
Department: Orthopedic Patient: male, age: 74Y Dr. Shaul Beyth Services: Segmentation, surgery planning, anatomy model74r During the Iron Swords War, began on October 7th 2023, many soldiers and
Department: Orthopedic Patient: male, age:22Y Prof. Yoram Weil Services: Segmentation, surgery planning, anatomy model During the Iron Swords War, began on October 7th 2023, many soldiers and civilians
Department: Orthopedic Department Patient: male, age: 23Y Dr. Asaf Albegli Services: Segmentation, surgery planning, anatomy model, PSI. Printing a three-dimensional ankle and implanting it in the patient A young
Department: Orthopedic Department Patient: Female, age: 53Y Dr. Alon Burg Services: Segmentation, surgery planning, anatomy model, PSI. This patient suffered with severe Talus & Tibia injuries. In this case,
Department: orthopedic (Pediatric)Patient: female, age: 11YDr. Roy Gigi Services: Segmentation, surgery planning, anatomy model, PSI Limb deformities is an interesting orthopedic field in which we
Department: Trauma / orthopedic Patient: female – age: 22Y Dr. Amal Khoury Services: Segmentation, surgery planning This case began with the CT imaging we got from Dr.