Limb Deformity Surgery

Wild Life Hospital Safari

Design by : Ronnie Gabay Chen

Department: Orthopedic Department

Dr. Rotem Yosef & Dr. Uri Segal


Julie, the dog, was found wandering in the south with a deformity in her leg. She was treated by ‘Let the Animals Live’ and was adopted. After a year, Julie’s leg deformity worsened, and it became necessary to operate on her. Dr. Rotem Yosef and Dr. Uri Segal, who operated voluntarily, were responsible for the surgery. They turned to the company Synergy3DMed because Julie’s leg deformity was very severe and they wanted to operate with minimal invasiveness. Together with Roni Gabay Chen, who is responsible for the animal field, several plans were made until they reached the most accurate plan. Then, Ronnie designed two cutting jigs and models for bending the plate. The surgery was successful, and now Julie walks on a straight leg and is a happy dog.