Fibula Mandible

Dr. Anton Warshavsky

Design by: Nitsan krispin

Department: ENT

Patient: male, age: 78Y

Dr. Anton Warshavsky 

ServicesSegmentationsurgery planninganatomy modelPSI. 78

This ENT surgery was planned very carefully. The patient was diagnosed with sarcoma on his Mandible bone. Fibula Mandible surgery is a procedure in with the Fibula’s shaft is being used to reconstruct the Mandible, with the blood vassals, to obtain a new anatomy and to implant dental implants eventually.
Within the planning, a cutting PSI for Fibula, a guiding PSI for the segments and also a customized plate are all being 3D printed and all being planned, creating an easier, faster and exact way for the surgent to preform the surgery, 
This planning was particularly sophisticated as the 3D customized titanium plate could be suited for two possible surgeries plans. There were 2 sets of PSI’s, and one plate, and so the doctor could decide on the OR which one of them to use, but the plate could apply them both.